Saturday, December 28, 2024

Journaling and the 1-1-1 Method - Applied to Volleyball

Journaling has merits for self-improvement and self-regulation. 

Journaling carries more weight when regular. There is probably more value for handwritten entries. I keep a separate handwritten journal. 

Sahil Bloom emphasizes what he calls the 1-1-1 method

  • 1 "Win" for the day
  • 1 Stressor 
  • 1 point of gratitude
Think about it. As you chronicle your volleyball journey, imagine all the progress and milestones crossed. Bloom suggests that you form a journaling group. Choose whether or what to share. 

Your win might be either 'process' or 'outcome'. Document your 'Four Pillars' wins - skill, strategy, physicality, psychology (resilience). Maybe there are points of technique, tactics or more that you pick up here or in the videos. 

Stressor. Did something give you trouble? It could be motivation, minor illness or injury, or a 'technique' issue with part of your game. 

Gratitude. Gratitude creates happiness. Find reasons to appreciate your family, your personal growth, friends, teammates, or whatever you appreciate. With luck, you can build it into your daily routine. 

Lagniappe. Stay away from lamps, appliances, fireplaces, etc. Because our twins had each other, there was plenty of this action in our house. 

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