Wednesday, September 25, 2024


"The wind blows hardest at the top of the mountain." Staying at the top is even harder than getting there. 

Complacency is contentment with your current situation. A former Red Sox pitcher got a lengthy contract extension at over $15 million annually. He was overheard saying, "It doesn't matter now. I got paid." 

His performance fell significantly.

Part of MVB success relates to a lack of complacency. Doing more imposes physical and psychological demands. Don't think, "I've done enough. It's good enough." That dog will not hunt. 

Great players and great teams work more to grow skill, game understanding, physicality, and psychology. "Pleased but not satisfied."

Physicality relates to self-care, not just working out more. Hydration, nutrition, sleep, and recovery (e.g. contrast hot/cold therapy) increase performance. Dehydration doesn't show up primarily as thirst. It manifests as fatigue. 

Hydration will always matter. Remember, dehydration equals fatigue.

Kevin Eastman says, "you own your paycheck," meaning your habits determine your performance. Take care of yourself to bring your best to the team. 


  • "The wind blows hardest at the top of the mountain." 
  • "Be pleased but not satisfied."
  • "Performance relates to self-care."
  • "Think hydration, nutrition, sleep, and recovery."
  • "Dehydration equals fatigue."
  • "You own your paycheck."

Lagniappe. Don't sleep on the setter

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