Saturday, September 02, 2023

Self- Discipline Is Discipline

Become a master. Do the right things because they are right.

Be on time. Be stretched out when practice starts. Help with equipment.

When a coach calls you over, sprint.

Maintain eye content and listen. 

Leave the gym in at least as good condition as you found it. Dispose of empty bottles. Never leave "tape balls," litter or water bottle puddles. 

Small habits reflect who you are and who your team is. Take pride in who you are and set standards for teammates.

Say thank you often. People notice.

Lagniappe. You must beat good teams. Mediocre teams beat themselves. 

Lagniappe 2. Read. 

Tell your parents you appreciate them. Let a friend know you value their friendship. Thank a teacher. When needed, say you're sorry. 

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