Friday, September 01, 2023

Managing Expectations: Up and Down


Set your sights high. There is no rebuild. 

There are plenty of hills to climb. Although the records are incomplete, the Match History is telling:

  • Vs Westborough 2-8
  • Vs Newton North 2-5
  • Vs Central Catholic 5-9
  • Vs Frontier 4-2
You can win every game on the schedule when you play your best. Step on the court, believe. If you don't believe, don't take that step. 

Part of delivering is accountability...holding yourself to a high standard. Whether senior or freshman, performance is the norm. Back row? Keep the ball up. Front row? Put the ball down.

Don't be nervous. Be excited. It doesn't start September 7th. It starts today.

Lagniappe. When the team succeeds, recognition follows

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