Saturday, July 06, 2024

Quotes About Champions

A great quote inspires action. A great meeting forces change. The only benefit of age is experience. 

Over fifty years ago, we lost by two to the defending state basketball champion. Coach Sonny Lane locked us in the team room and gave us a tongue lashing for 45 minutes. "You lost because it said Lexington on their jersey, not because they were better. We won't lose to them again."

We didn't. 

Have a portfolio of quotes that demand action:

"Champions do extra." - James Kerr

"Do the unrequired work." - Kevin Eastman

"Champions behave like champions before they are champions." - Bill Walsh

When you care about becoming a champion, you have championship attitude, championship behaviors, championship habits. Your coaches won't worry about your nutrition, hydration, rest, or chemical health because they know you have full ownership of championship focus. 

Here's a wonderful link to quotes about champions

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