Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Speaking Greatness

Athletic careers fly by. Some teammates become lifelong friends. Others don't have that privilege. We lost a high school teammate when he was thirty-six years old. 

It's as a easy to be kind as clever. The Greg Berge account above recommended these ten statements to athletes:

1. "I believe in you." (There's nothing more powerful to an athlete, a friend, or a child.) 

2. "I love watching you play." (Share the joy.)  

3. "Do your best." (Remember the fourth agreement of The Four Agreements... "Always do your best.")

4. "Be great at what you are good at." (Focus on your strengths.)

5. "Love your teammates." (Life is too short to commit to rivalries.)

6. "Next play." (Don't let one bad play bleed into the next series of plays. Also known as "Be here now.")

7. "Make memories." (Coaches help take teams where they cannot go by themselves.)

8. "Pass the mirror test." (Do you respect the person in the mirror?)

9. "Lead by example." (Model excellence.)

10."Lead out loud." (Be a connector and a communicator.)

Lagniappe. "Pass-set-tip" drill to build multiple skills and involve a lot of players. 

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