Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Stay Ready Group

Reserves deserve renown. Dean Smith's Carolina Tarheels had the "blue team" and the "white team." Six decades ago, our local high school reserves called themselves the "ROOTS," the Royal Order of the Splinters.

The Celtics call deep bench players the "Stay Ready Group." That defines two obligations, first, be a team and second, stay ready for opportunity. The moniker implies Staying Ready not Getting Ready. 

Melrose graduates All-State selection Sadie Jaggers, reliable libero Grace Gentile, and versatile Manon Marchais, who did some of her best work filling the middle. Departures create needs and with nine juniors poised to return, the competition should be fierce

How do you stay ready?

  • Be mentally and physically engaged every day...starting now.
  • Build your strength and conditioning now.
  • Practice like your role depends on it. 
  • Compete. 
  • Be dissatisfied. Be pleased but never satisfied. 

Prepare to "Turn it up more in '24." 

Lagniappe. Staying ready... 

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