Thursday, March 28, 2024

Raising Your Game

Raising your game applies across the board - your behavior at home,  academics, and your MVB performance. In the voice of James Kerr's Legacy, "be a better ancestor" and "leave the jersey in a better place." 

Commit to being your best in all areas. Listening to your coaches never exceeds listening to your parents.

Learn to think and to communicate better - verbally, non-verbally, and in writing. 

Tolstoy could have written, "the church light shined on everything." But to emphasize the meaning and gravity of the wedding, he listed specific items "flooded with light." 

Churchill adopted a something similar during the second World War. 

Do any other passages come to mind? 

Great literature and great speeches deliver messages, arouse passion, and influence people. 

Nobody expects scholar-athletes to achieve these lofty levels. Begin more days with intent to raise your game with your family, your school, and your teams. Nobody regrets giving their best. 

"How you do anything is how you do everything." 

Lagniappe. Square up. 

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