Monday, December 18, 2023

Being a Great Teammate

“You always control whether you give your best or not. No one can stop you from that.”- Discipline Is Destiny - Ryan Holiday

John C. Maxwell writes about The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player. He devotes chapter six to dependability.

He quotes Winston Churchill, "It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required." That's a big ask for both young people AND older people. 

Maxwell also shares a poem from Edward Everett Hale: 

“I am only one, 

But still I am one. 

I cannot do everything, 

But still I can do something; 

And because I cannot do everything, 

I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

Regardless of whether you are a starter or reserve, excel in your role. The better that reserve players compete in practice, the better they make themselves and the entire team. 

Lagniappe. Accountability matters in the real world. Ryan Holiday writes about the father of the nuclear navy Admiral Hyman Rickover interviewing young Naval Officer Jimmy Carter. "What was your class rank at Annapolis?" Carter answers “59th of 820.” The Admiral follows, “did you do your best?” Carter ultimately answers "not always." The Admiral responds, “why not?” 

Since the season ended, ask yourself:

1) What have I done to improve as an athlete? 
2) What volleyball skills have I worked on? Platform, serve, hitting?
3) Have I done anything to become more resilient? 
4) Have I done anything to grow my leadership skills? 
5) Have I asked a teammate to work out with me? 

Lagniappe 2. Count and check your footwork.

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