Friday, October 20, 2023

Wellness Check

Who's your favorite player?

When you support a team, you want every player to do their best for the benefit of the team. "Results will vary."

Yes, parents and immediate family members are bigger stakeholders than writers and back seat drivers.

Years ago, Coach Scott Celli moved Alyssa DiRaffaele from attack to back row. Alyssa had a dynamic serve and major back row skills. Her play helped carry a team to a state final.

The coach's job is putting the team in the best position to succeed. That depends on the ability of the player and the needs of the team. For example, Manon Marchais has played her best volleyball in the middle, showing craft unexpected for a relative novice at the position. As a student of the game, she knows expectations at multiple positions. 

What happens when injured players like Sofia Papatsoris and Carolyn Higonenq return to the lineup? In coaching terms, that's known as "a good problem." It raises the internal competition that lifts the overall team performance. 

Reserve players should want to play more. Always ask the coach what skills need work and for suggestions on how to do that. It's tempting to listen to parents, family, and friends. There is one voice that matters - Coach Celli's. 

And when your opportunity arrives, "always do your best." Your best effort leaves no regret. 


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