Friday, August 11, 2023

The Best Sports Parent I Know

You know the term "helicopter parents." I know one who wasn't one - helicopter engine 'rocket scientist', my wife Ellen.

I'm not saying she's the best sports parent ever, only the best one I know.

She wants Melrose to win, but she roots FOR both teams.

She was totally invested in the girls' development, driving them to practices and games and traveling to Florida, Atlanta, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and other destinations to watch. 

She is not a referee-baiting leather lung who had ready criticism aimed at the officials. She knows that they have mothers, too.

She doesn't ever complain about the coaching, the strategy, or the playing conditions.

I don't remember her commenting about playing time, roles, or recognition. Sure, she was thrilled to see our children's name in the newspaper, but there was never any 'whataboutism'.

After wins, she supported the kids but never questioned about individual play or statistics. She liked seeing all the players get a chance to play. 

After losses, she second-guessed nobody. Sure, she wished the team made more plays when they came up short, which luckily wasn't too often.  

On Senior Night, she encouraged recognition of the visitors, too. 

When the high school had banners, she pushed for inclusiveness. If a player only played a few games, she wanted their name on the now-departed banners. 

She would have been a big fan of Bob Bigelow's theme of "Let the Kids Play." 

I wish I could have lived up to half those standards. 

Lagniappe. Make practice competitive with 'ladders'. 

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