Saturday, August 12, 2023

Identity Statement

All opinions expressed in the blog are solely my own. 

Carve out your identity. The Patriots don't keep photographs of championship seasons in the locker room. Last season's six seniors aren't walking through that door. 

1. "Success leaves footprints. Find them, follow them, and then fit them." - Kevin Eastman

Success arises from work. When your biographer writes your story, what do they unearth? "Unseen hours" of strength and conditioning translate into high performance. 

2. Organizational DNA. J.D. Watson and Francis Crick got the most credit for discovering the structure of DNA. But chemist Rosalind Franklin deserves mention for key contributions. Exceptional teams have unique 'structure' as well. Individual play forms the nucleotide bases that combine in infinite ways. 

Melrose volleyball plays the "West Coast Offense" of area volleyball - ball control. Coach Celli emphasizes fundamentals and simplicity. Do well what you do a lot. 

3. Fingerprint ID. Embrace your destiny. Have your fingerprints in the gym, the weight room, and on video equipment where you study film. They don't belong on red solo cups at underaged parties.

Part of Jason Selk's "10-Minute Toughness" is the 'identity statement'. Your identity statement shares who you are. It might be, "I am a leader who always shows up, "fired up and ready to go."" Another part is your 'performance statement' which reflects how you play. They complement each other.  

Lagniappe. Your vision changes through 'coach's eyes'. 

Lagniappe 2. Setting body position... 


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