Thursday, January 19, 2023

Selling Your Program and Yourself

 "I'm a salesman." - Chuck Daly, two time NBA Championship coach

Why should somebodies listen to this nobody? To sell better. Your "elevator pitch" is a one-minute capsule of your program, your plan to build character and competence. 

The Greeks emphasized ethos (character), logos (reason), and pathos (passion) in their stories. The Red Sox manager in 1967, Dick Williams, took a last place team to the American League pennant. "We'll win more than we'll lose." 

Being better means a relentless commitment to acting better. You are selling yourself at home, in school, on the job, online, and on the court. 

What works? Influencer Dan Pink, author of "Drive," tells us to invite collaboration...conversation to collaboration. Pink reminds us that every email is a pitch. Make them have UTILITY, adding value or CURIOSITY, what intrigues you? 

From MasterClass, Dan Pink

Make the reader feel the email must be read.

Get listeners to act. Help them know, feel, then do. 

When the facts are on our side, ask a question. "Are you better off than you were four years ago was Ronald Reagan's campaign question?" That question didn't work for Mitt Romney in 2012, four years after the global financial crisis. 

Make a one-minute "hype video" about your program. 

Tell stories using "The Pixar sequence."

From MasterClass, Dan Pink

Once upon a time a little girl dreamed of going to the Naval Academy. She tried out for a middle school team. Each practice she was the first there and last to leave. One day her coach learned about her dream. Because of that, he wrote their Congresswoman praising the player's character, achievements, and work ethic. And that girl got the Congressional nomination to Annapolis. Today, she is a naval officer. 

Coaches make dreams become reality.


  • We all sell. Sell better.
  • Use character, reason, and passion.
  • Invite a collaboration.
  • Add value and spark curiosity.
  • Ask a question if the facts are on your side.
  • Make a hype video.
  • Use the Pixar sequence.
Lagniappe (something extra). Somebody will earn those coveted "outside hitter" positions. Why not you? 

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