Friday, January 20, 2023

National Mentoring Month

It's easy to become jaded with the abundance of people and causes celebrated. Why not share the love? Find and become a mentor.

Here's a mentoring toolkit.

Share mentoring stories. Mentoring need not be long-term or fully appreciated. As a student in 1972, I applied to college, without money, legacy, or connections. 

Future Federal Judge A. David Mazzone, Harvard Class of 1950, was the father of one of my high school classmates. Unsolicited, Judge Mazzone advocated for me, taking me into the Harvard admissions office, leading me on a tour, introducing me to the baseball coach. I got in. 

I coached Lauren in basketball for three years in middle school. She attended Austin Prep High School, becoming an elite student and three-sport captain. One day I saw her mother at Dunkin' Donuts, asking how Lauren's college search was coming. Mary shared that Lauren dreamed of going to Annapolis. I asked whether she had a Congressional nomination (each Congressman can name two). She did not. Upon returning home, I wrote a lengthy recommendation to Congresswoman Clark, extolling Lauren's character, work ethic, and accomplishments. Lauren got the nomination, acceptance to Annapolis, and is a Naval Officer today. 

Melrose volleyball is fortunate to have exceptional leadership in Coach Scott Celli. He has brought skill to Melrose in coaching and personal growth for decades. That mentoring elevated the character, competition, and recognition of local athletes. That's mentoring worth celebrating. 

Lagniappe. Improve with practice, using a variety of drills. Find a partner and grow the skills for two. 

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