Friday, December 16, 2022

Leaders Take "Extreme Ownership"

Everyone can lead. Lead by showing up on time, bringing energy, supporting the team, and never being a distraction. 

Leaders make leaders. Without a team, there are no leaders. Leaders bring a positive attitude. 

Here's a short summary of "Extreme Ownership." 

Here are 3 key lessons from the book:

  1. A leader who takes responsibility for failure is vital to the success of a team.
  2. Pressure is inevitable as a leader, remaining calm and effective comes from establishing priorities and taking action.
  3. Managing risks before they pop up is a key attribute of great leaders. 

What makes a leader? 

Be effective. There's a great saying, "It's not enough to be right. You have to be effective." 

Stay focused. David Cottrell reminds leaders, "The main thing is the main thing." 

Make it about the team. Another Cottrell principle is, "People don't quit jobs; people quit people."

Lagniappe (something extra). More on serving... 

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