Saturday, December 17, 2022


How do you improve? Here are five ideas:

1. Become more athletic. Combine explosiveness and power, speed, and weight work. Karen and Paula Sen both benched over 125 pounds.

2. Learn to set. Front row players improve teammates by learning to set.

3. Build stamina. A running program and jumping rope up to five minutes a day will help.

4. Pair up. Workout with a teammate. Build platform skills (see below).

5. And work alone. "Don't tell me you can't. Show me you do." 

Lagniappe (something extra). Work on your leadership style. What does being a leader mean to you and for you? How do you intend to lead better and to be a better teammate? 

Lagniappe 2. What are you doing for your platform skills? Better skills get you on the court more. 

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