Saturday, December 31, 2022

A New Year's Wish: Be the Purple Thread

"Because you consider yourself to be only one thread of those which are in the tunic. Well then it was fitting for you to take care how you should be like the rest of men, just as the thread has no design to be anything superior to the other threads. But I wish to be purple, that small part which is bright, and makes all the rest appear graceful and beautiful. Why then do you tell me to make myself like the many? and if I do, how shall I still be purple?" - Epictetus

The Romans wore all manners of togas and tunics. The amount of purple in garments separated royalty and common people. Commoners had plain, white garments, each thread as indistinguishable as the citizen was in the state. 

In the discussion above, the slave turned Stoic philosopher Epictetus asked rhetorically how he could stand out from the crowd as a purple thread? 

Your part in Melrose volleyball establishes you as those purple threads. Strive to be extraordinary. Celebrate being that purple thread, different not better. 

Lagniappe (something extra). I am not a volleyball expert. Use video and online instruction to work on your game. Check with your coaches to see if they have different or additional suggestions. 

I suggest that when working with a partner, consider using some cellphone video to create a record of your progress. 

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