Saturday, October 01, 2022

Connecting the Dots

Twenty years of excellence sets high expectations. One State Title, nine sectional championships, and almost annual league championships make winning look deceptively easy. It's not

Many factors need to stay connected. 

Program leadership. Coach Scott Celli has overseen the program for over twenty years with twenty win seasons (including playoffs) more the rule than the exception. 

Collaborative coaching. A number of coaches deserve special mention, but Steve Wall and Ryan Schmitt merit extra recognition. 

Player development. Competition for roster spots and roles has never been higher. Off-season training and game play become essential. That means investment of time and money with non-guaranteed returns. 

A pipeline. Most sports require continual refreshment of young players to grow both skills and leadership. Youth, middle school, and camps help meet those needs.

Community support. "It takes a village to raise a child." Community support of the Athletic Department, individual sports, and the Athletic Hall of Fame raise the bar and results. 

Promotion. Where does enthusiasm end and hype begin? Credibility ends when blind enthusiasm reigns. Teams can't win games in the electronic or print media. They have to perform on the hardwood maple. The best teams beat other top teams on the road. When you beat the iron away from your place, you've got something. 

Luck. Skill, execution, and consistency drive most results. But an ill-timed sprained ankle, back injury, or case of COVID can bury the best team. The ball rolls along the tape and falls in...or out. It happens...but not so often. 

Nine games into the season, all the dots aren't connected. The 'finished carpentry' isn't done or the dough hasn't fully proofed or whatever other analogy you choose. There's a lot of volleyball to be played and more identity to be found.  

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