Friday, October 12, 2012

Game 15: Melrose 3 Arlington 0

Melrose (15-0) defeated Arlington in the second game of a homestand, 25-6, 25-12, and 25-17.

Melrose played without all-state setter Brooke Bell who was out with illness. Bell is just 90 assists away from eclipsing Colleen Hanscom as the career record holder for assists. Absent Brooke, Melrose employed Maave Moriarty and Allie Nolan as setters.

Melrose took a quick 11-2 lead in set one and never looked back. Playing service error-free ball, Melrose dominated, including a trio of kills from Sarah McGowan and a pair from Rachel Johnson.

It was little different in set two, with 7-2, 13-4, and 21-6 leads before the substitution patterns created less consistency down the stretch. Melrose had 6 aces including four from Sarah, but three service errors in the set. Sarah had a pair of kills.

The third set showed some erratic play, with Melrose trailing 6-4, 8-6, and 11-10, before reeling off a 15-6 run to close out the Ponders. Sarah had another five kills supporting the win.

Arlington really struggled to generate offense and the back row didn't get their customary workout.

Game summary: Absent a premier starter in Bell, Melrose rallied behind their reserve setters to win handily. Arlington is a second-division club that played hard and enthusiastically but struggled to keep up for the lion's share of the match.

Coach Scott Celli commented before the game on the unselfishness of the team, their preparation, enthusiasm, and commitment to a common goal...putting the team's interest above their own.

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