Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Game 4: Melrose 3 Lexington 0

Melrose traveled to Lexington and remained undefeated with a 25-10, 25-14, 25-12 victory.

Melrose came in short-handed with the talented Jen Cain out of the lineup.

With a new lineup, Melrose started slowly, trailing 6-3 early before an Amanda Commito service run of ten brought Melrose to a 13-6 advantage. Sarah McGowan banged in four kills during the run.

Melrose gradually expanded the lead, with benefit of very few attacks and from 20-10 closed it out with kills down the stretch from Brooke Bell, Commito, and Sydney Doherty.

The Lady Raiders got off to a better start in set two, but still led only 8-7 before an Annalisa DeBari service run brought a 16-7 lead. Melrose then gradually built on the lead, but had only seven kills for the set, including a brace for McGowan and Rachel Johnson.

It was more of the same in set three with a 3-3 tie early, followed by the visitors capturing 17 of the next 20 points to lead 20-6. Within the frame, Sarah had an 9 point service run. From there, sophomore Stephanie Crovo delivered a pair of kills. Maave Moriarty had a pair of aces, to go with one apiece from Jill MacInnes and Sarah.

Game analysis: In the preseason, I referenced the role of "alternate histories" that play out in sports and in life. Injuries, illness, and other changing fortunes can produce many different possible outcomes. Today, Jen Cain's illness probably had a big role in disrupting the overall play and timing. It emphasizes the importance of day-to-day preparation so that players are ready to play well when opportunity calls.

I am told that Friday's game with Burlington is postponed because of scheduling difficulties with no make-up date established.

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