Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Three Days to V-Ball Tilt

The new Middle School Gymnasium looks great, but it is not ready for prime time, as at last report, the bleachers were somewhere in Indiana. Give us the seats, Hoosiahs!

As of today, it looks like the first three home matches will be at the Marcoux Gym. The Marcoux, newly outfitted with bleachers, seats 280, and none of them are on a stage... Unfortunately a blue "divider" overhangs center court, although it should not be a problem.

The Lady Raiders travel to Newton North tomorrow for a scrimmage with a traditional Division I North power. Stay tuned for reports as they become available.

Lexington's veteran Coach Jane Bergin always has size but last season lacked experience. This year they may have the experience edge.

Colleen Hanscom assumes the setting duties this year from Taylor Pearson. Taylor did a great job following the outstanding work of the Amandas - Labella and Hallett, who set up Melrose's big hitters.

Any player can set, but note the athleticism, footwork and balance, getting to a spot, and the smooth effortless delivery.

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