Saturday, September 14, 2024

Want to Contribute More? Cross-Posted

To contribute more, add value.

Here's an old (2020) post from my basketball blog. To earn more playing time, it's about attitude, effort, decision-making, better individual and team play, and the ability to impact the game.

  1. Play harder. "The magic is in the work." Win every sprint. "Don't cheat the drill." 
  2. Take better shots. "Kill your darlings." Improve immediately by not shooting bad shots, forced shots, "my turn" shots, $h*t Shots. Take ROB shots (Range, Open, Balanced). 
  3. Cut urgently. Don't stand. Don't drift. Separate with change of direction and pace. 
  4. Play smarter. You don't know the offensive and defensive techniques and tactics; you have no claim on minutes or role. 
  5. "Winners want the ball." If you can't handle pressure, you will stand the wrong way. Good teams apply and withstand pressure
  6. Become more skilled. There's only one way to build skill...quality repetitions. 

Coaches don't make out lineups, players do.

Updated ML Standings


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