Sunday, September 22, 2024

Induction Speech - Sarah McGowan

Sarah McGowan (MVB 2009-2012) was inducted into the MHS Athletic Hall of Fame last evening. Unfortunately, she and her family were unable to attend. She will in 2026. She sent this acceptance speech. Unfortunately, only a portion was read at the dinner.

She epitomized a great MVB athlete - professional, poised, athletic, physically and mental tough, a leader. She had exceptional craft at the net. She could blast away or use the short game and holds the single season record for kills (341).

Her gratitude for the MVB experience shines through. I highlighted a few sections. Enjoy.

"Fellow inductees, guests, and members of the hall of fame committee, I am deeply honored to be inducted into the Melrose High School hall of fame. Although I cannot be present with you all tonight, please know that I am immensely grateful and appreciative for this recognition.
This honor is surreal as I vividly remember watching my mother being inducted into her high school's hall of fame. It ignited a desire to achieve similar recognition someday. However, at that time I was uncertain about which sport I could excel in or make a profound impact.
Upon entering my freshman year at MHS, I found myself faced with a significant life decision. Should I continue pursuing the sport I had dedicated my entire childhood to, or should I venture into a relatively new sport that had recently captured my interest? Attending the MHS volleyball camp hosted by the varsity team during the summer going into freshman year made my decision clear. Stepping into the gym, I immediately sensed the uniqueness of this team and organization. The varsity players were not only dedicated to teaching volleyball, but also embodied the MVB culture, creating a warm and inclusive environment. They were there not out of obligation, but out of genuine passion. Experiencing the magic of MVB for those few short days, I wanted to be a part of it more than anything.
Being a member of this organization and team has been one of the most remarkable experiences of my life. It has taught me invaluable lessons that extend far beyond the volleyball court. I have learned the importance of punctuality, professionalism, routine, learning from failures, coachability, persistence, and being a supportive teammate. The power of community has also been deeply ingrained in me through this journey. The skills and lessons I acquired from MVB are ones I rely on weekly. Tonight, I stand before you as a testament to the incredible program that enabled me to thrive both individually and as a team, and ultimately led us to a state championship victory.

I would like to thank Mr. Celli for his unwavering commitment to this program and the immense success he has fostered by instilling a culture of discipline and dedication. I am also indebted to my teammates who consistently gave their all, whether on the court or from the sidelines, understanding that every role played a vital part in our collective success. I extend my appreciation to Ron Sen, Ralph Labella, and Jeff Mate for their exceptional storytelling, which has perpetuated excitement around our program and its achievements. Additionally, I want to acknowledge all the players who came before me, setting the bar incredibly high. Finally, I am forever grateful to my family. My parents for their unwavering support, believing in my decision to explore something new and accompanying me to every game and tournament, even traveling across the United States to ensure I had the opportunity to compete and grow as a player. And to my sister Emma, who received 12 varsity letters while at MHS. Emma was the epitome of discipline and athleticism, and was always my inspiration to work harder and be better. She also showed me that girls can hit the weight room too.

Once again, I want to thank the hall of fame committee for selecting me as part of this esteemed class." 

Lagniappe. Sarah McGowan as a junior

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