Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Find Ways to Make Your Life Better Today

Find ways to make your life better today. 

On the "Australia Alone" show, a woman contestant took some acacia leaves and rubbed them together to release saponin, similar to soap. She made "bush soap" that allowed her to clean her hands, a big deal in that environment.

What could make your life better, your family life better, your education better, your volleyball better? 

Only you know what works for you. Here are a few for consideration.

1) "Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care." - Shakespeare

Plan to get eight hours of sleep nightly. LeBron James gets twelve. Sleep hygiene matters. No caffeine after noon. Limit chocolate, mints, and acidic foods that can worsen acid reflux and impair sleep. Heavy screen time depletes melatonin. Ask your trainer/doctor whether there is any role for evening melatonin for you.

2) Gratitude check-in. Writing down three gratitude items a day for twenty-one day makes concrete all the blessings that surround us. 

3) Healthier eating. Melrose has had a long tradition of pre-game snacks, but not always healthy ones. Skittles or a healthy fruit choice (e.g. an apple). 

4) More efficient study (tips from Coursera - Learning How to Learn

  • Pomodoro technique - twenty-five minutes on, five minute break.
  • Spaced repetition - serial review is better than cramming 
  • Self-testing - What are the key points? What did I learn?  
5) Headspace. A few minutes of mindfulness or even mindful breathing gives you a chance for inner calmness, lower stress, more positive attitude, better focus, and even better grades. 

6) Video review. Even if you're not playing much, home games have pregame warmups filmed. Have you watched your pre-game warmups? 

Lagniappe. Upcoming schedule. What are you working on today? 
  • Serve placement? 
  • Blocking footwork? 
  • Pipe attacks? 

Lagniappe 2. Sara Blakely's father asked the kids once a week, "what have you failed at?" That's one approach. 

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