Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ain't Too Proud to Beg

"Look for the helpers." - Fred Rogers, Mister Rogers Neighborhood

I don't know how much pregame talks work or influence process. The one I remember was from the 1973 State playoffs where Coach Sonny Lane told us, "these guys are good, they can give you a game." We players looked at each other thinking, "that is not happening." At halftime we lead 45-10. 

I asked ChatGPT for input for developing a pregame message and expected player perception and to put it into tabular form. 

"Here’s a table with five possible pregame messaging inputs and their expected player responses. The goal is to focus the team while fostering confidence and mental readiness."

Pregame MessageExpected Player Response
"Trust the process, not the outcome. Focus on the next play."Players feel less pressure to win and focus on each moment, building confidence and staying in the present.
"Your preparation brought you here; now it's time to execute."Players feel reassured and confident in their readiness, leading to calm, focused energy.
"We play for each other. Stay connected and communicate."Players feel a sense of unity and accountability, which increases team cohesion and effort.
"Mistakes happen. Respond quickly and don’t dwell on them."Players are more resilient, staying mentally tough after errors, and bounce back quicker during the game.
"Enjoy the challenge. Pressure is a privilege."Players embrace competition with a positive attitude, channeling nerves into excitement and sharp focus.

Each of these inputs aims to shift the players’ mindset toward focus, resilience, confidence, and team connection, contributing to optimal performance.

Coaching and playing live in the public domain. There's no "double secret information" club where brilliance arises. 

Jaylen Brown said this, "We need to win each day, one day at a time." That's another version of 'bring the best version of yourself daily'. 

Coaches can't magically create belief. Blog posts or polls or parents can't either. "Overnight success" is a myth. The hours of training, offseason workouts, lifting, running, Summer League, playing together, and in-season practice accumulate. "The magic is in the work." 

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