Friday, August 23, 2024

Who Are You?

Ask yourself these three questions.

1) Who are you as a player?

2) Whom do you want to become as a player?

3) What are you doing to make that happen? 

Only you know the answers. Coach Scott Celli respects players who want to improve, want to contribute, want to play, want to win. They do what is needed to make those happen. 

How do you improve? Remember this ACRONYM from UCLA basketball coach John Wooden - EDIRx5 

Explain, demonstrate, imitate, repeat x 5

Repetitions define you when you study, write, play the piano, or become a volleyball player. 

Tom Brady was drafted in the 6th round, #199 by the New England Patriots. He carried a chip on his shoulder about 'disrespect' for his whole career. In 2000, during training camp, a Patriots executive was leaving the complex late and asked the custodian why the lights were still on. The employee said, "there a guy watching video in the film room, Tom Brady." 

If you want to be great, work for it. If you want to win, work for it. You won't have to tell your teammates or your coaches. They know. 

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