Friday, August 09, 2024

"Steamed Fish"

Love a great metaphor.  

Post by @culturetatertots
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Not everyone recognizes value the "diamond in the rough" or "the ugly duckling" that morphs into the beautiful swan. Coaches take players where they cannot go by themselves. 

Don't equate value with playing time, role, or recognition. Show up and show who you are every day. Maya Angelou wrote, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Great teammates are the same person every day with communication, empathy, and kindness. 

Do the little things. Set up and clean up. Shag balls. Energize the team. Be the guy that teammates want to see do well because they appreciate you as a person.

Coaches see what players are but great coaches see what they can become and help shape that player. Michelangelo said that his job was to free a statue from a block of marble.

What often brings joy to coaches is seeing the transformation of young people into great adults, great leaders. Victoria Crovo never had the good fortune to be on a sectional champion, despite her greatness as a person, leader, and player. That misfortune doesn't define her. In a year or so, she completes veterinary school. 

Be 'steamed fish'.

Lagniappe. "The right way is how your coach wants it done."  

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