Sunday, August 25, 2024

"Lighten Up"

Players seldom play their best when tense. Think about funny moments that happened at practice. There must be some.

We once did this two-ball passing drill with a regular ball and a 'medicine ball' that weighed about 25 pounds. Two balls were in play being passed rapidly between a player and 'the line' of five other players. One player got clocked in the head by the medicine ball and knocked down. Coach Lane had not seen it, only the downed player. He said, "Roger, there's no sleeping at practice." We all lost it.

In The Art of Possibility, the author shares a joke to the orchestra which was playing 'tight'. He said, "any mistakes and a 500 pound cow will fall on you." Realizing the absurdity, everyone relaxed and played better. 

Volleyball jokes and puns are hard to find. Good ones even harder.

What do blockers and waiters have in common?… If they do a good job, there will be a big fat tip coming.

What is a girl standing mid-court named? Annette. 

Why are policemen great at volleyball?… They serve and protect.

Find ways to lighten up. 

Lagniappe. What's the catch/carry rule? 

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