Friday, August 16, 2024

Earn the Right to Believe - "If You Ruled the World"

Bring it. 

"If you ruled the world," Fill everyone's toolbox...everyone has vacancies. 

You might not think having a potato ricer that important, any more than a chef has a use for defensive coverages. With more tools, come more recipes.

1. Make a great first impression every day. Energize. "Hi, girls. Great to see you!"

2. "Be easy to play with and hard to play against." Help your teammates with proper positioning, movement, and communication. 

3. Being on time means stretched out, physically and mentally ready to go when practice starts. On time means ready and early. 

4. Show "competitive character" always. Maybe it can't always be THE best but make it YOUR best. 

5. More is more. 
  • "Winners do unrequired work."
  • "Do five more." Do five more reps. Run five more sprints. Read five more pages. Study five more pages. Learn a "new five" every day. 
  • "Champions do extra." 
6. Respond to disappointment. Make next time better. Churchill was a disaster at Gallipoli. All he did was save Western Civilization. Grant was selling firewood before the Civil War. All he did was preserve the Union. 

7. Athletes would actively recover after practice and competition. That means hydration, thermal contrast, adequate protein, extra sleep and no alcohol. 

8. Prepare, practice, and perform with passion and precision.

9. Believe in yourself. Believe in the work you've done. Earn the right to believe. 

10.Never give up on your dreams. 

Lagniappe. Attack video. If you've got a great three step approach, stick with it.  

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