Saturday, August 17, 2024

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Every season ends in tears - tears of joy or tears of frustration.

Learn from history. Churchill, widely criticized for his actions during Gallipoli, earned massive credit for helping save Western Civilization against the tyranny and fascism of Hitler. 

After a loss in the 2023 State Championship, protege' Cecilia Kay told her Fenwick teammates, "don't let the St. Mary's girls see you cry." Last season Fenwick returned the favor with a pair of wins over their archrival. 

Never allow opponents to drink your tears. Take what is yours. 

"Now that it's my turn I'm gonna take what's mine." 

Lagniappe. Here's the challenge: 

Make your MVB experience transformational.

Are you shy? Become stronger by being part of a team. "The strength of the wolf is the pack."

Are you quiet? Learn to speak up. Be like Maggie. Your voice is worth hearing.

Do you lack confidence? Find balance. Confidence balances arrogance and doubt. "You got this."

Disorganized? Sport teaches discipline. Be on time, stretched out and ready to go. Learn to "eat that frog," doing the couple of hard things first.

Need more structure? Coach Nick Saban asked his players, "are you spending your time or investing it?"

Need to learn leadership? Leaders don't make followers, they make leaders. Watch Coach Scott Celli and his staff and your captains.

A little selfish? Do whatever it takes. Leave the gym in better condition than you found it. Set up. Shag balls. Break down equipment. 

Standoffish? Be involved. Always ask, "how can I help?"

Need encouragement? Encourage others. Your energy is contagious. The best players make everyone around them better.

Want respect? Earn respect through your hard work, consistency, and respect for others. Never disrespect teammates, coaches, opponents, or officials. Bring the "best version of yourself" every day, all day.

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