Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Brain Picking

"It's what you learn after you know everything that counts."

When someone says, "I don't need to know anything from you," then I know they've got a low ceiling. Be a constant learner. 

1) Find a mentor. If you don't have a 'go to' person, ask a coach if they have an answer or a tip for you.

2) Ask a teammate. Sadie Jaggers asked Gia Vlajkovic for a passing tip. Gia suggested that she not try to make a perfect pass just a good one. Sometimes "the enemy of good is better." 

3) Be a mentor. If a teammate struggles with footwork or their platform, ask if they could use a suggestion. 

What would I ask some current MVB players? 

  • "Leah, what drill helped you learn to set?" 
  • "Gigi, what's your best serving tip?"
  • "Maggie, teach me how to talk more."
  • "Sabine, how can I get on top of the ball more?"
  • "Caroline, what helped you most recovering from injury?"
A few points to consider:

If you don't ask, you won't know. 
Don't be afraid to ask. 
"Trust but verify." - Ronald Reagan  The first time we hear something, we're wired to believe. Hearing is not necessarily believing.

Lagniappe. To be special, you have to believe you're special and then do more.  

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