Saturday, June 29, 2024

"Work in Progress"

Listen to someone bristle at being called "a work in progress." They take umbrage because someone suggests they are incomplete, imperfect, flawed.

Do we have room for growth, wisdom, more perfect understanding of the world and people around us and ourselves? Surely.

If a physical volleyball represented the world of volleyball, what surface 'covering' would reflect our understanding? Would it be dime-sized, quarter-sized, the size of a playing card?

At the other extreme, with the expanse of knowledge, how can we distill it to the essence of 'useful and usable' information? That's the ocean that coaches and authors navigate. 

"Work in progress" only insults us when our self-assessment is inflated and incomplete. 

Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich would say, "get over yourself." 


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