Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday Second Helping

from my basketball blog..."How Stoicism Can Help Us"

Study Stoicism. Our minds have incredible power. Take advantage to build resilience. 

Stoicism is a durable philosophy dating back millennia. Many professional teams and athletes have adopted stoicism. What principles guide stoicism? How can they help us? 

Control what you can control because disappointments are inevitable. We can't control events around us but we can control our response. 

Practice gratitude. It can help us appreciate our situation, even when things aren't going as well as we'd like. 

Favor reason over emotion. Use the power of our mental acuity to make better decisions, regardless of the stressors around us. 

Develop self-control. Put discipline and rational thinking above desires and wants. 

Live in the present. Work on virtue and presence and find the ability to let go of unfortunate pasts. 

We don't need an opinion on everything. This frees us from 'cognitive dissonance' of holding conflicting ideas simultaneously. 

This is an ideal opportunity to use AI (from ChatGPT)

Stoicism, an ancient Greek philosophy founded in Athens around 300 BC, revolves around several core principles that guide its followers toward living a fulfilling life characterized by virtue, reason, and resilience. Here are some of the top-level principles of Stoicism:

  1. Virtue as the sole good: Stoics believe that moral excellence (virtue) is the highest good and the only true measure of a person's worth. Virtue includes qualities like wisdom, justice, courage, and self-discipline.

  2. Live in accordance with nature: This principle suggests that humans should align their lives with the rational order of the universe. It involves accepting events and circumstances beyond our control while focusing on what we can control—our thoughts, actions, and attitudes.

  3. Acceptance of the present moment: Stoicism emphasizes accepting the present moment as it is, without unnecessary emotional reaction or resistance. This involves cultivating a mindset of equanimity and tranquility in the face of life's challenges.

  4. Control over desires and emotions: Stoics advocate for moderation and self-control in desires and emotions. By overcoming destructive emotions like fear, anger, and greed, individuals can achieve inner peace and clarity.

  5. Understanding the dichotomy of control: This principle distinguishes between what is within our control (our thoughts, actions, and choices) and what is not (external events, other people's actions, and circumstances). Stoics focus their efforts on what they can control and accept what they cannot.

  6. Live according to reason: Stoicism emphasizes the use of reason and logic to guide one's thoughts and actions. By cultivating a rational approach to life, individuals can make better decisions and avoid being swayed by irrational impulses.

  7. Practice of mindfulness and self-reflection: Stoics advocate for regular self-examination and reflection to improve oneself morally and intellectually. This includes assessing one's actions, identifying weaknesses, and striving for continual improvement.

  8. Understanding the transience of life: Stoicism teaches the impermanence of everything in life, emphasizing the importance of appreciating the present moment and being prepared for change and adversity.

These principles form the foundation of Stoic philosophy and are aimed at helping individuals live a more meaningful and resilient life, guided by reason, virtue, and inner strength.

Being in the present, focused, and rational helps us make better decisions at home, school or work, and in sports. We can't control how others treat us but we control how we treat them.  

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