Monday, June 03, 2024


All opinions in the blog are solely my own. Don't blame anyone else. 

What makes a story relatable, meaningful, universal? Enduring stories share truths, joyful or painful. Timeless art excavates the soul and depth of human experience. Themes repeat. 

Be resilient. Do. Not. Quit. 

Seek excellence, not validation

Avoid self-destructive behaviors. Ahab's obsession with the white whale (Moby Dick) leads him down a dark path of destiny. In sport, "control what you can control," or as oarsmen would say, "that's outside my boat." 

Misvaluation abounds. Do you feel unappreciated? On the 2012 State Championship team, Melrose had two All-State players (Brooke Bell and Sarah McGowan) amidst a team of exceptional players. Four players from that group ultimately earned All-State honors. Melrose has never had three in one season. 

Jen Cain easily could have garnered that honor. The blocking duo of Rachel Johnson and Kayla Wyland were Melrose's best ever. And Amanda Commito was a phenomenal defender. 

Cinderella story. "Ordinary Joe" makes good. Arlene Blum's team of all women ascended Annapurna's 8000 meters. But they experienced the joy of achievement and consequences of risk as two women died. 

Ego is the Enemy. Stay hungry; stay humble. Great examples of controlled ego included George Marshall during WW2, General William Tecumseh Sherman during the Civil War, and Florence Perkins the first female cabinet secretary (Labor) under FDR. They put others first. Ryan Holiday's eponymous book explores ego and achievement in depth. 

How does MVB relate? 
  • Be resilient. Some of MVB's signature wins were comebacks. 
  • Seek excellence not validation. Put the team first. 
  • Misvaluation abounds. Self-worth shouldn't depend on externals.
  • Cinderella story. Ordinary people do extraordinary things. 
  • Ego is the enemy. Confidence balances arrogance and doubt.
Lagniappe. Tips for jump servers.

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