Tuesday, May 14, 2024

MVB - "REP" the Change

Success often parallels attitudes, beliefs, and values that drive action. "Nothing works unless you do." Action beats intentions.

Organizational psychologists Chip and Dan Heath wrote several books about change, Made to Stick and Switch: How to Change When Change Is Hard. 

The Heath Brothers argue that reaching your destination involves metaphorical elements:

R - The Rider, an excellent thinker, sometimes short on action. 

E - The Elephant, emotional inputs that encourage or deter us. 

P - The Path - the journey to navigate to success. 

What concrete tips help the Rider (Rationality)? 

  • Look to the MVB past...including many impactful freshmen. Chloe Gentile had 113 kills as a freshman, Emily Hudson 42, Victoria Crovo 161. Other notable freshmen whose performance impacted wins include Hannah Brickley and Paula Sen. 
  • Get involved including camps, youth volleyball, and building athleticism. 
How can we motivate the Elephant (Emotion)? 
  • See-Feel-Change. See how little girls like young Hannah Brickley or the Crovo sisters watched games, felt the excitement, and became MVB. 
  • Emphasize identity. Winning is hard. Few programs experience the success of MVB with a State Championship, ten Sectional Titles, and many Middlesex League Championships. Be part of special
How can we shape the Path? 
  • Make MVB part of your daily routine...your workouts, your video study (MHS-TV on YouTube), even reading the blog, the real-time history of MVB. 
  • "Rally the herd." Peer support adds strong motivation for individuals and the group. Work out as a duo with a teammate or a bigger group to practice platform and other skills. 
Lagniappe. Report. Study relationships such as hand to ball, arm position and swing. 

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