Saturday, April 13, 2024

Six Things Are Probably Too Many

In Jocko Willink's MasterClass, he told of a "Teams" (Navy SEALs) guy who said to tell him three things because that's all he could remember.

Yeah, but...

1) Organization - I like this... think about the game as serve, receive, attack, block, defend. Yes, it omits setting, your quarterback. Most sports share an elegant symmetry. 

2) What is your MVB skill? There are only so many positions and more candidates than spots. Force your way into one. 

3) "Winners are trackers." - Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect  Tracking implies attention to detail. Remember that Coach Scott Celli is a mathematician. Volleyball is a game about efficiency. Track your workouts, your vertical, your serve percentage. 

4) Work on your athleticism. For most young athletes that means either finding a program (Melrose had a 'bigger, faster, stronger' program) or becoming your own coach. Jumping rope, weight training, plyometrics, yoga, "whatever it takes." 

5) Win "The Head Game." Athletic success demands mental toughness. MVB developed many athletes with elite mental toughness, too many to name. A lot comes with experience but resilience comes with conditioning, leaving your comfort zone, and learning other techniques (power positions, visualization, affirmation, mindfulness training). 

6) Keep a notebook. It's your book, your diary of progress. It can be personal, sport-related, general information. York book contains the all of the above. The top players in every sport record their journey. 

Just as twenty-plus years of players have done, you got this. 

Lagniappe. Coverage. Every team has theirs.

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