Friday, April 19, 2024

Get Past Hard

MVB Post #3500

"Get past hard." Get past mad. Get past sad. Don't spend energy and emotion on counter-productive thoughts.

Invest your energy and time on skill, strategy, physicality, resilience.

What do you 'take away' and what do you give? 

  • "The magic is in the work."
  • "The game honors toughness." - Brad Stevens
  • Be an ambitious giver.
  • "Do five more." - Dan Pink
  • "Obsess the product." - Sara Blakely (Spanx CEO and founder)
  • "Nothing works until you do."
  • Bring energy to practice and energize teammates daily.
  • Be on "Dean Smith Time." On time is late.
  • Outwork the competition. "Repetitions make reputations." 
  • What is your MVB skill? "Play so hard your coach has to take you out. - from Jay Bilas' Toughness
  • "Sport doesn't build character it reveals it." 
"The battle isn't always to the strongest or the race to the swiftest, but it pays to bet that way." - Damon Runyan

Life throws you challenges. Face them with your best effort.

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