Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Department of Redundancy Department

Excellence intersects skill, game understanding, physical and mental toughness.

Look at the past three MVB "Triple Crown" winners - Elena Soukos, Gia Vlajkovic, and Sadie Jaggers. All had exceptional athleticism - quickness, vertical jump, strength (attack). Nobody becomes elite as an  'average' athlete. 

Conditioning requires leaving your comfort zone. You have to go harder for longer with sprints, jumprope, or 'stadiums'. You don't have a cycle ergometer system to measure maximal oxygen consumption (complex measure of fitness). You can do a Cooper 12-minute run test and see how far you run in twelve minutes. You can do this on a track or a treadmill (easier). 


Post by @the.volleyball.strength.coach
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Lagniappe 2. Repetition is the mother of excellence. 

Post by @the.volleyball.strength.coach
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