Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Two Day Rule

Post by @awakenyourmind
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Create value for yourself. Earn improvement by excellence in habit formation and maintenance.

"We make our habits and our habits make us." When building habits, use the 'two day rule' or as James Clear advises, "Don't miss twice.

"Repetitions make reputations." Coach John Wooden said that Bill Walton became great because he never tired of practicing 'the little things' like footwork. 

MVB contributors build platform skills, footwork to pass, to close the double block, attack footwork, arm swing, and so forth. 

The elite MVBers Elena Soukos, Gia Vlajkokic, and Sadie Jaggers raised their athleticism in the gym. You know 'what to do' to build strength, vertical jump, lateral quickness. Follow the "two day rule" and you'll raise your 'floor' and approach your 'ceiling' of performance. 

Lagniappe. You don't need expensive equipment. 

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