Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Overcoming Our Flaws

The most perfect diamond emerges flawed, unpolished, uncut from the earth.

No player, no person travels life's arc as a paragon of virtue. Nobody. 

Post by @adamfolker
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Some of you know the story of the Greek hero, Achilles. Because of a prophesy of his early death, his mother Thetis dipped him in the river Styx, but held him by his heel, leaving an area of vulnerability. Everyone has a 'weak spot', our Achilles Heel.

Our Achilles Heel can be physical like weak ankles, an allergy, or character issues like greed, selfishness, or pride. 

Vulnerability can destroy us with addiction to alcohol, drugs, or hanging with the 'wrong kinds of people'. Or vulnerability 'tempers' those determined to overcome their need areas. They find coaches, mentors, or teachers who lift their strengths and lessen their weaknesses. 

Take a minute to reflect on what you need to raise your game, be it skill development, strength and conditioning, mindfulness for focus. 

Recognizing needs isn't weakness, it's strength. If you can't see them, "look for the helpers" starting with your family. Remember that pressure, heat, and time forge diamonds

Lagniappe. "Repetitions make reputations." Coach Brian McCormick advises, "no lines, laps, or lectures." Be efficient by getting as many "perfect touches" as possible with great posture, movement, and passing. 

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