Friday, March 01, 2024

Never Just One Cockroach

Suburbanites may not know the expression, "there's never just one cockroach." It applies widely.

When an aviation problem arises, an alert spreads worldwide within hours. Product recalls occur in the automobile industry, for tainted food, and warnings for unexpected medication side effects.

The theme plays out in sports, too. 
  • Poor conditioning hurts a team in extended matches. 
  • Teams commit rotation errors because of inexperience or poor focus. 
  • Lack of communication shows up with misplays and 'campfires'. 
  • Lack of focus allows an error to bleed into a series of mistakes. 
  • Service errors become 'contagious'.
  • Finger pointing erodes team spirit. 
  • Habitual flirting with the service line results in foot fouls. 
  • Teams focus on officiating instead of controlling controllables. 
  • Lack of experience burns teams in crunch time. 
  • Lack of leadership allows a losing culture to persist. 
Mistakes like these seldom occur with MVB because of coaching, culture, communication, and conditioning. Coaches cringe when they see teammates console each other with "it's okay." It's not okay. In the huddle, remind each other, "Let's go. Stay focused" or "next play."

Don't allow "death by a thousand cuts." 

Lagniappe. Don't 'go back' to basics. Never leave. 


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