Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Fast Five: Lead, Follow, or...

"Lead, follow, or get out of the way." - Marine adage

Use your MVB experience to boost leadership skills. Show your leadership skills every day. How? 

1. Lead how you would like to be lead. What makes a leader in your view? Be that guy.  

2. Model excellence. Be the hardest worker at home, in class, on the court. Wind sprints? Compete to win each one. Queen of the Court? Be her. 

3. Be inclusive. Everyone wants to be valued - to be seen and heard. Greet teammates by name daily and "be the helper." 

4. Energize. Bring energy and energize your teammates. 

5. Communicate. Talk recruits teammates and intimidates opponents. "ELO" - early, loud, often. 

Lagniappe. Three way pepper... 

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