Monday, March 11, 2024

Critical Thinking

All opinions expressed in the blog are my own.

Coaches celebrate success of our players. It's not about taking credit, but joy in their process and progress. Remember the word 'MUDITA', "your joy is my joy."

MVB star Victoria Crovo is in her third year of veterinary school. Probably the next time we'll see her, she will be Dr. Crovo. Lauren Joyce was another 'sponge' who absorbed and applied knowledge. Lauren graduated from Annapolis and serves us in the Navy.

What forges success? Sustained success requires commitment, growth mindset, and curiosity. Young athletes who prosper developed 'critical thinking' skills. This essay by Dr. Esha Lovric explains the value. 

Here's an excerpt: 

"Curiosity—my greatest teacher.

Those who I see who are the most curious become the greatest thinkers.

When we allow space for curiosity we allow space for:

  • Innovation

  • Creativity

  • New ideas

Right now, we are in a dangerous place regarding knowledge.

Online and off, risky new ideas or even traditional ones trigger aggressive reaction and a barrage of unconscious resistance.

There is no opportunity for conversation."

Improvement demands leaving your comfort zone, navigating uneven paths and recognizing that obstacles are the way. 

Lagniappe. Take care of the details. "Sequence your platform." There's something similar in basketball, where players have to bring the guide hand to the shooting hand. 

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