Sunday, February 04, 2024

"Special Player"

Choose to do 'enough' and we become 'enough'. If becoming exceptional matters, more is required. There are more than a few players in the system who have combinations of athleticism, size, skill, and resilience to be high performance, high impact players. Remember Urban Meyer's E + R = O. Event plus response equals outcome. Your "R factor" determines your outcomes at home, school, work, and sports. 

Remember influencer Dan Pink. Pink says, "do five more." More work produces better results. 

  • Study longer, 25 minutes on, 5 minutes off.
  • Spaced repetition, reviewing what you studied before. 
  • Summarize what you learned - key takeaways. 
Lagniappe. Winning is hard. The bigger the win, the harder. Nobody can take winning away from you. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. No matter. Focus. 

Lagniappe 2. Have you worked out with a teammate yet? 

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