Saturday, February 03, 2024

Sources and Targets

Separate sources of information from the advice itself. A person you like or admire might share hurtful, dangerous advice. Another person you hold in low esteem may share something brilliant. Are you better off to take what's stupid or brilliant, regardless of its origin? 

Miami Heat GM Pat Riley, a Celtics nemesis, says, "Catch people in the act of doing something right." That increases our opinion of them and their opinion of themselves. 

A well-known MasterClass professor who is controversial advised, "get caught trying" to do the right things. 

I'm not a big fan of former Ohio State football coach Urban Meyer. He also coached Aaron Hernandez. His book, "Above the Line" is great. 

A few excerpts: 

"There is a red line at the edge of our practice field. Every day before practice, I stand at that red line and watch guys take the field. The rule is that once they cross that red line, they are not only running – they are prepared to give all they’ve got. If I don’t like somebody’s demeanor – it could be body language, a look on a guy’s face, anything – I turn him around and point to the locker room. You better be ready to go; otherwise, don’t come on the practice field."

"Above the Line behavior is conscious and thoughtful – a choice made in alignment with your larger vision or where you want to go. Below the Line behavior is directed by impulse or the gravitational pull of old habits; you just react without thinking. Below the Line is your default response."

"E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome) We don’t control the events in life and we don’t directly control the outcomes. But we always have control over how we choose to respond. Simply stated, Big Es and Big Os require Big Rs."

During our lives, we are exposed to a virtual firehouse of information. Filter it, find what's helpful and useful and make it your own. Think critically. Ask:

"Is this true?"

"Is it helpful?"

"Is it inspiring?"

"Is it necessary?"

"Is it kind?"

The more we THINK about, process, and filter information, the better we become. 

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