Monday, February 26, 2024

Concrete Culture, Your Team Becomes What You Make It

A collection of players is not the same as a team. Most of us have played with a "collection of individuals" and on a team.

You choose to mesh with the whole or to stand apart with your agenda and your ego.

I've mentioned the sign in the UNC Women's Soccer locker room, "EXCELLENCE IS OUR ONLY AGENDA." Most of you are not old enough to remember the quote about the Red Sox, "25 players, 25 cabs." 

Great teams fight together not with each other. Consider the legendary Ben Franklin quote, "we must all hang together or we will all hang separately." 

Read this article and decide for yourselves

Here's an excerpt:

"Walsh didn’t want his team to love him as the leader, he wanted them to love one another, to connect with each other on a personal level. He believed the greatness of any team was their ability to execute perfectly under pressure. For Walsh, unless a team was connected to one another, nothing else mattered. Often, we hear the term “team chemistry,” but Walsh preferred team connectivity."

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