Wednesday, January 24, 2024

New Age, Old School

All opinions are solely my own. 

Coaches' jobs demand results. Results sum substance and style. Loud or quiet, demonstrative or reserved, what counts shows up as performance.

Coaches have many constituencies - the Athletic Department, players, and to a lesser degree, families and fans. 

Whether labeling your coaches as "Old School" or New Age, task-oriented or relationship-oriented, your opportunities depend on your growth mindset, actions, and positive trajectory. 

Earn your desired role. Own your career arc. 

Grow the skills belonging to your position. Invest your time in a way likely to add value to yourself and to the team

Create athletic explosion. Whether it's vertical jump, lateral quickness, blocking strength at the net, attacking power, endurance or other, you own your progress

Attend to the mental side of development. Physical development benefits the mental side. Sleep and nutrition matter. Mindfulness presents an way to lift concentration, positive well-being, and resilience. 

Coaches get credit or blame for setting the lineups and rotations. That's flawed thinking. Player performance determines minutes, roles, and recognition. Always has and always will. 

Lagniappe. Serve/receive drill...high volume. 

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