Saturday, January 13, 2024

Get as Much Good Advice as You Can

All opinions in the blog are solely my own. 

Finding or stumbling upon good advice, take it. Shot quality matters in most sports. 

There is no mobile 'good advice truck' moving around like a Good Humor Ice Cream or Taco Truck. Stay open to acquiring better ways.

Start with your parents and extended family. They know you well and want the best for you. You have a level of comfort asking them hard questions. 

Get help from trusted coaches and teachers. They have life experience to share. Also remember, "experience is the best teacher but sometimes the tuition is high." I see a number of people in the trades who are missing a finger or two. Get the answers before the lesson. 

Read. Learn from everywhere. In Freakonomics, Levitt and Dubner discuss 'practical economic lessons' that you won't find in textbooks. Does heredity or environment change us more? Do realtors' homes go for higher prices than similar homes they sell? One chapter discusses, "If Drug Dealers Are so Rich, Why Do They Live with Their Mother?" 

Learning to read more and better is one of the best investments available. The 'Times' recommended this two-minute video

Make friends with the dead. Learn from Eleanor Roosevelt, Madam Curie, Harriet Tubman, and Abraham Lincoln. If science is gender-neutral, why can't we name more women scientists? 

Ask better questions. If you want to become a better leader, ask whom you should study for leadership help. 

Think again. Everyone has attitudes, beliefs, and values. With more information, sometimes think again. Track your rethinking scorecard. Once 'everyone believed' the sun orbited the earth. Copernicus disproved that. 

Lagniappe. Focus on your process and be in the moment. 

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