Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Game Theory

 "The game theorist John Nash demonstrated that protagonists bargain more effectively when they are less needy. The less you fear not getting what you want, the more likely you are to get what you want." - Ed Smith in Making Decisions

Imagine you see yourself as the next MVB 'alpha' as outside hitter. What does that require? 

  • Skill - the classic three step runup to attack, the ability to hit down the line, over or around the double block, a "short game" to supplement hard attacks, 'cut shots' that even few MVB greats have mastered
  • Strategy - includes both offensive and defensive play with effective double blocks with the outside hand positioned to deflect the ball into the court
  • Physicality - power up your upper body strength, vertical jump, and lateral quickness. Have you asked a teammate to work out? Have you asked Sadie Jaggers, Gia Vlajkovic, or Elena Soukos for tips that made them dominant players?
  • Psychology - how do you plan to build focus, persistence, and resilience? Choose better. Keep a private record of your journey. 
Lagniappe. Libero strength training 

Lagniappe 2. Be "the smartest kid in class." 

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