Monday, January 01, 2024

"Cover the Marshmallow"

All opinions included in this blog are solely my own. 

This classic article discusses habit formation and improvement. Included in the article is the "Marshmallow Experiment," which tested children's ability to delay gratification, ostensibly predicting future success. 

James Clear's Atomic Habits supersedes this with a variety of 'simple' recommendations. 

1) Work on systems. "How we do anything is how we do everything." 

2) Make good habits easier. Storing the dumbbells in plain sight makes it easier to do the 'dumbbell workout' with five sets of squats, overhead presses, bent over rows, and curls. 

3) Make hard habits harder. If you want to watch less television, move your seat away from the TV, relocate the clicker, and consider moving the batteries away from the clicker. 

The answer my friends is 'blowing in the wind,' "we make our habits and our habits make us."  

If you didn't click through to the Atomic Habits summary, do it now.

If you wanted not to eat the marshmallow, cover it or just look the other way. If you have great people in your life, surround yourself with them. If you have toxic people, avoid them. 

Lagniappe. Invest three minutes to change your life. 

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